
35 Best Free jQuery Image Slider And Gallery

We collect 35 best and free jQuery image slider and gallery you may have never seen before. Please leave comment if you know other best and free jQuery image slider.

1. Coin Slider

Coin Slider is jQuery Image Slider with Unique Effects. Coin Slider have a lot of options for helping you set slider as you want. Free to use under MIT licence.

Coin Slider
Coin Slider demo

2. Nivo Slider

The world’s most awesome jQuery slider. Nivo Slider has built-in directional and control navigation. Free to use and abuse under the MIT license.

Nivo Slider
Nivo Slider demo

3. Automatic Image Slider

Automatic Image Slider with CSS & jQuery by Soh Tanaka. The html based image slider will have its benefits with SEO and will also degrade gracefully for those with or without js.

Automatic Image Slider
Automatic Image Slider demo

4. jCoverflip

Present your featured content elegantly. Control the number of items, colors, fonts and styles through CSS. Open Source. Distributed using the GNU General Public License and built using jQuery and jQuery UI.

jCoverflip demo

5. jqFancyTransitions

jqFancyTransitions is easy-to-use jQuery plugin for displaying your photos as slideshow with fancy transition effects.

jqFancyTransitions demo

6. jQuery Easy Slides v1.1

jQuery Easy Slides is a simple slideshow plugin that is quick and easy to use.

jQuery Easy Slides v1.1
jQuery Easy Slides v1.1 demo

7. Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery & CSS

Mosaic Slideshow features an interesting tile transition effect when moving from one slide to another.

Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery & CSS
Mosaic Slideshow With jQuery & CSS demo

8. jQuery Blinds

jQuery Blinds is slideshow using CSS Sprites.

jQuery Blinds
jQuery Blinds demo

9. Uize.Widget.SlideShow

The Uize.Widget.SlideShow class eases the creation of slideshow presentations, supporting navigation controls, configurable visualizations, and more. UIZE is free to use (available under MIT License or GNU General Public License).

Uize.Widget.SlideShow demo

10. CU3ER

CU3ER™ is the Flash® 3D image slider, easy to set up, fully customizable, tailored to provide a unique look and feel, inspiring and fun-to-use. Free for personal or non-commercial usage.

CU3ER demo

11. The Piecemaker

Beside the transition type you can also customize tweening time, tweening delay as well as the movement of the cubes while tweening in terms of position on the z axis and positions to each other.

The Piecemaker
The Piecemaker demo

12. jQuery Coda Slider Effect

jQuery Coda Slider Effect.

jQuery Coda Slider Effect
jQuery Coda Slider Effect demo

13. Galleria

Galleria is an image gallery framework, written in JavaScript. The aim is to simplify the process of creating visually appealing image galleries for the web and mobile devices. The Galleria core and a number of themes and add-ons are 100% open source licensed under the MIT license, which makes it free to use, copy, sell and redistribute.

Galleria demo

14. Supersized

Supersized will resizes images to fill browser while maintaining image dimension ratio, and cycles images/backgrounds via slideshow with transitions and preloading. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Supersized demo

15. iTunes-like Slider

Create a simple slider similar to the one used in the iTunes store.

iTunes-like Slider
iTunes-like Slider demo

16. Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery

A classic slideshow, but use a different kind of transition to animate between slides.

Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery
Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery demo

17. Slide Thumbs

How to turn old boring image viewer into a nice-looking one with jQuery.

Slide Thumbs
Slide Thumbs demo

18. Floom

Blinds-effect MooTools slideshow.

Floom demo

19. Multiple Image Cross Fade

This simple effect is ideal for portfolio websites, galleries or magazines where images need to be seen. Add captions and tooltips to make it more usable.

Multiple Image Cross Fade
Multiple Image Cross Fade demo

20. s3Slider – jQuery Image Gallery Plugin

Info layer about the images in the slideshow can be displayed at left, right, bottom or top. You can use the script for both personal and commercial projects.

s3Slider – jQuery Image Gallery Plugin
s3Slider – jQuery Image Gallery Plugin demo

21. Easy Slider 1.5

The easiest jQuery plugin for sliding images and content.

Easy Slider 1.5
Easy Slider 1.5 demo

22. SlideDeck

The web’s most powerful jquery slider plugin.

SlideDeck demo

23. Spacegallery jQuery Plugin

Again another image gallery.

Spacegallery jQuery Plugin
Spacegallery jQuery Plugin demo

24. jQuery Cycle Plugin

Slideshows are not limited to images. You can use any element you want.

jQuery Cycle Plugin
jQuery Cycle Plugin demo

25. Moving Boxes

The big difference here is that there are buttons to change panels and the panels zoom in and out.

Moving Boxes
Moving Boxes demo

26. Slick Slideshow Using jQuery

Learn how to create a slick and accessible slideshow using jQuery

Slick Slideshow Using jQuery
Slick Slideshow Using jQuery demo

27. The Lof SiderNews Plugin

The Mootool – Lof SiderNews Plugin use for play a slideshow with the navigation display on the lef side or right side.

The Lof SiderNews Plugin
The Lof SiderNews Plugin
The Lof SiderNews Plugin
The Lof SiderNews Plugin demo

28. BarackSlideshow

BarackSlideshow is a very tiny and lightweight slideshow script, that takes the power of MorphList to enhance visualization and navigation of the images (demo).

BarackSlideshow demo

29. AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin

This new AnythingSlider is an attempt at bringing together the functionality of all of those previous sliders and adding new features.

AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin
AnythingSlider jQuery Plugin demo

30. SlideItMoo

BarackSlideshow is a very tiny and lightweight slideshow script, that takes the power of MorphList to enhance visualization and navigation of the images (demo).

SlideItMoo demo

31. Image Rotator with Description

An image rotator is one great way to display portfolio pieces, eCommerce product images, or even as an image gallery.

Image Rotator with Description
Image Rotator with Description demo

32. Slider Gallery

Michiel Kenis requested a tutorial explaining how to create a similar effect used to showcase the products on the Apple web site.

Slider Gallery
Slider Gallery demo

33. Apple-like Slideshow Gallery

Learn how to make an Apple-like slideshow gallery, similar to the one they use on their website to showcase their products. It will be entirely front-end based, no PHP or databases required.

Apple-like Slideshow Gallery
Apple-like Slideshow Gallery demo

34. ImageSwitch

The main point of this plug-in is to make an easy-to-use, simple and fast plug-in to create effect when you switch between images.

ImageSwitch demo

35. jQuery Image Scroller

This scroller will be different in that it will be completely autonomous and will begin scrolling once the page loads.

jQuery Image Scroller
jQuery Image Scroller demo
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