Wordpress Tutorial

Static Page And A WordPress Blog

This theme is designed based on a iWeb template on my Macbook. And I love it more when it is integrated with WordPress, make my jobs so much simpler.

The main idea is: make a website with static page on the home page, and set up a blog that has link to the home page, with only single installation of WordPress in the root folder/directory.

I duplicate the Page Template / page.php and rename it homepage.php (or home.php, or intro.php, it’s up to you).  Add this code to the top line:

Template Name: Homepage

Then I published a page, name it Home, and choose Homepage as the Page Template.

I also duplicate the index.php, and rename it to blog.php. Then I publised another page called Blog, and choose Blog as the Page Template.

In the Setting – Reading, change the Front page displays to A static page (select below):

  • Front page: Home
  • Posts page: Blog

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